Monday, July 25, 2011

Stress Eating......

Mine would be cheese...chips....dip....ect. 

And you shall take for yourself of all food that is eaten, and you shall gather it to yourself; and it shall be food for you and for them.  Genesis 6:21

If you haven't figured it out, I'm listing all of the verses that contain the word food in them.  Food is something that you have to come to terms with; it's a part of who we are.  It's one of the joys that God has given us and if it is out of balance then it causes not joy....but stress.  That's when I will find myself grabbing something to just calm my nerves.

I don't know how many times I have caught myself eating and was not hungry.  But either the clock was showing that it was time to eat, I was bored or my mouth was needing something to chew on.  So I'm trying to be proactive because I know it will come.  I keep healthy snack food prepared and ready.  Popcorn has been good this summer, nuts, yogurt, and I have baby carrots but it's not going to happen.  Same with the cottage cheese I bought....

Today's Food

Breakfast:     5:00 a.m.

shredded wheat & fresh peaches--toast

Snack: 10:00 a.m.

Lunch:  12.00 p.m.

very small salad w/ half avacodo

Snack: 2:00 p.m.

slice of pizza

Supper:  6:00 p.m.

baked chicken, rice, & turnip greens---homemade yeast rolls

I don't eat at night after supper.                       

How do you prepare for hunger when it strikes in between meals?

Friday, July 22, 2011

Power in Food

So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate.  She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate.  Genesis 3:6

Food is powerful...and it's important to our physical, emotional, and spiritual makeup.  As women of households...we also hold the key to our family's health.  Like it or not we are the primary food choice maker.

I'm on my third day of hitting the track, Hip Hop Abs, and then punching my heavy bag for a few minutes.  It's easy starts on the 3rd; that's when time issues become tight.  My back ached for a few days..but I worked through it and this morning it hasn't hurt at all.  I'm hoping my muscles are becoming stronger.

Breakfast:  breakfast pizza
                  banana bread

Lunch:       popcorn

Supper:     fried cod
                 macaroni w/cheese

I'm loving the popcorn this summer.  I don't keep junk food in the house so this is filling the need when it hits.  I pop it myself and put two tablespoons of butter in it with a little salt.  I keep it in bags so that it's ready when I'm ready.  It's my snack food of the summer!

What is your favorite snack food?

Thursday, July 21, 2011


And out of the ground the Lord God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food.  The tree of life was also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  Genesis 2:9

Amazing how the tree of food is connected with good and evil!  What a week.....I was quitting this blog....I was not quitting this blog....I was giving up on my health.....I was not giving up on my health....needless to say I think "hormones" were at work.....big time.

They have receded back into where ever they I have a few good weeks to get my battle plan in place.  I've done the following this week:

1.  Called and had a phone conference with a registered health consultant.  I have an order in for progesterone cream that is guaranteed to get rid of "hormonal headaches--that last for a week".  Apparently my body has stopped making progesterone and I'm getting an influx of estrogen.

2.  I quit using my over the counter liquid make-up--which contains estrogen.  I am using Bare Minerals and I think it's doing well.  My face has been irritated for years now; and just in two days it's feeling better. 

3.  I made an appointment for the chimney sweep man and air conditioning man to come this Monday for their annual stuff.  That is for my mental health...I hate having people come over and I've been putting this off.

I have to move fast because my sanity time is really limited anymore. I'm back on my exercise and doing Hip Hop Abs......which I really like.  It's only thirty minutes, fun, and I think Shawn T is cute!

This was a good blog I found today and she was talking about "mindful eating".  I'm trying to do this strategy but I really forget that I'm doing it until the meal is officially over.

Yesterday's Meals

Breakfast:  banana bread & juice
                   Fage yogurt

Lunch:        left-over Carrabbas which was wonderful

Supper:      Breakfast  tortilla

Snack:       cookies & popcorn

I went out to eat Tuesday evening at Carrabbas.  I never feel guilty when I order because I really don't go out to eat that much.  Now I do eat half and take the other half home if I can.  Portions are really too big.

Don't be shy---leave me your answer!
Where is your favorite place to eat and why? 

Friday, July 15, 2011


Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking if God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity.  (Voltaire)

I guess you could count moving furniture at my school yesterday as exercise.  Because that was it as far as a heart rate goes.  I finished one book, read another book, and started a book.  It was wonderful!

Breakfast:               slice of veggie pizza
                               slice of banana bread

Lunch:                   breakfast tortilla

Supper:                  1/2 grilled cheese (yes-you can fix a half)

Snack:                    small plate of nachos
                               3 cookies

It looks like more of a snack day--oh well.  I ran out of my yogurt but will get some today.  I love the Fage yogurt but it's really expensive.  My favorite food of all is pizza!  Growing up we rarely could afford to buy one except on special occasions.  The only homemade pizza we made was the box Chef Boyardee and I loved that just as well.  My favorite memory was my sixteenth birthday.  They ordered a sheet pizza from my favorite place. 

What is your favorite food and why?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Where Did Wednesday Go?

 A crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety.  (Aesop)

Good intentions on posting last night; but late night at church, tired when I got home, yada yada yada.  So I think the best thing is to be one day behind and post what I did today--on the next day or is it the day before?  I'm confused.  Anyway today I will put what I did yesterday--which is I mean was Wednesday!

I did three miles at the track--no not running but walking.  It was hot & humid; 6:30 in the morning and already it was 80 degrees.  

I like the quote at the top; I have a friend that will not eat if things are hectic around her.  She will wrap it up and save it for when things are she can enjoy it.  I'm trying to develop a new mindset of actually slowing down and paying attention to what I eat...and enjoy it.  It's hard; we are so programmed to rush in our society.

Breakfast:                     banana bread & juice
                                     sandwich thin w/cheese, tomato, & canadian bacon & juice

(I eat in shifts usually in the morning--will eat a little at first--then work out--then eat again)

Lunch:                         tossed salad: lettuce, spinach, green peppers, 1/2 avacado, feta cheese, tomato,
                                    lowfat buttermilk dressing

Dinner:                        two slices of veggie pizza

Snack:                         three choc. chip cookies

I didn't enter it yesterday for calories---problem with dinner because I really wasn't hungry.  But we had church that night and if I didn't eat it would be late when I got home.  So I ate in order to not eat later that night.  Reminds me of Alexander's Pope poem about doing evil for the sake of good!

Our self-control often fails because it deals with being mindless or unaware of our behavior.  We react without thinking and do not press pause to become aware of our behavior.  Awareness and self-examination are critical in living a good life.  But self-control also fails when we depend on our own willpower to make the right choices.  Self-control that is dependent on human strength to get us through the moment is undependable.

Paul said, "What I don't understand about myself is that I decide one way, but then I act another, doing things I absolutely despise." (Romans 7:15-20)  Sound familiar?  I find it comforting that I am not alone in this struggle.  The fact is, this struggle with willpower is universal.  The fix is to tap into a strength source bigger than ourselves in order to allow self-control to operate effectively.  

Attaining self-control over our appetites has little to do with willpower and everything to do with a power greater than ourselves.  (Dr. Linda Mintle, PHD) 

To eat or not to eat?  What do you do when you are faced with eating now to avoid being hungry later?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sweating...Little Drops

The body never lies.  It's your spiritual tuning fork.  So it's your responsibility not to merely cover up it's signals with expensive lotions and Pepto-Bismol but to sit down and really listen to what is underneath those symptions.   (Sara Beak)

It was the cardio dvd today with Shawn; I managed to complete the workout.  Okay....not quite like they were doing it, maybe a little differently.  I would be the person on the floor who represents the "special" people.  You know..the person who is doing it differently for all of the people who can't do it like the rest of the group.  They would put me in a corner of the gym...maybe behind the basketball goal.

I was watching Dr. Oz (just a little bit..he tends to creep me out) and he had the author of the four hour body on.  If I can bring up the link; they had some interesting things you could do to help lose weight.

Breakfast:  I call this my breakfast tortilla, last time I will list the ingredients.
                   1 low fat tortilla
                   shredded cheese
                   1/2 smashed avacodo
                   diced canadian bacon
                   spinach leaves                                                494 Calories

Lunch:      2 slices of cheese pizza with veggies              281 Calories

Dinner:     beef stew & a biscuit                                     281 Calories

Snack:     1/4 cup dry roasted peanuts                             214 Calories

Total Calories:  1,269

I use the Spark People for calorie count; so some of it is accurate; some not.  Just knowing today that I was posting what I ate, actually changed a few things for me.  

So what is your favorite breakfast food?

Monday, July 11, 2011

Insanity or Just a Little Paranoid

Eat your food with gladness, and drink....with a joyful heart.  Ecclesiastes 9:7

My game plan on the exercise front is to complete one week of different programs I own.  I have several; and have given several away.  The Firm being one of them; I think I owned every Firm tape (sorry I'm of the VHS era) available to mankind.  Thirty days and you will have the body you have always wanted!  Well....I never could stick with it for thirty consecutive days; and I got tired of dragging all of the equipment out.

So I thought I would try this.  This week I picked the Insanity dvds with Shawn T---why?  Well why not?  I gave it what I could this morning and then walked two miles at our track.  I have felt good all day today and can always tell when I exercise because my eating is different.  I can hear some of you asking, "What if you can't finish a week?"  So what....this is my program, it's free, I designed it and I'm only looking at one day at a time.  I've burned the beat myself up stick.

FOOD JOURNAL           

Breakfast:  fat free tortilla
                   1/4 cup shredded cheese (regular--I don't like reduced)
                   diced Canadian bacon
                   missing my 1/2 smashed avocado they are not ripe yet

Snacks:      Fage cherry Greek yogurt
                  popcorn--which I keep on hand

Lunch:       1 salmon patty, cold
                   2 wings from Sunday Lunch
                   2 homemade choc. chip cookies

Dinner:       Pork Roast, serving mash potatoes, gravy, sour-kraut, peas, cornbread stick
There is a really good thing about me......I rarely eat after supper and I like to eat supper no later than six.  "Where are the portion sizes?" you ask.  I didn't put them there; I'm not into that right now.  I am conscious of it but don't go crazy.

I highly recommend this book:  "Press Pause Before You Eat" by Dr. Linda Mintle.  I am on my second round with reading it.  Changing your mindset towards food and eating.  I do have two eating goals that I want to be aware of:

1.  Eat when I'm hungry...not just to eat.
2.  Be aware of what I'm eating and enjoy it! 


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Here We Go

I have spent a lifetime reading about good health and what that entails.  I've almost joined Weight Watchers, Curves, Golds Gym, YMCA, and any other resource available to mankind.  I turned fifty last year and will be fifty one in two months.  This is the decade I want to regain my health and good fitness.

I never was disciplined with eating or working out during my youth.  Youth allows grace for a whole lot of bad eating.  It caught up with me starting in my forties.  All of a sudden food became very important; if I had to pick between my husband and a large pizza from Pizza Hut......I'm just saying.

But now I'm some the amount of weight I would like to lose is trivial.  That's their opinion this is my journey.  I'm recording daily what I have eaten on this blog and the exercise that was done that day.  Any tips I come across I'll share or anything else I want to.  You are welcomed to comment but civilly.  I am also a child of Christ and will not tolerate offensive language on my blog...that's my right.

I read an article in Good Housekeeping for August that I liked.  This mother-daughter wanted to lose weight together, so they bought a charm bracelet.  For every five pounds they lost-they bought a charm.  I like that idea so I plan on using it.  

I don't know if I'll post my weight...really don't know if it's that important.  My weight doesn't define me; it's just making me uncomfortable.  So starting tomorrow (Monday of course) my journey begins.  My hope is that I will be held more accountable if I just put it out there.  Till then......