Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sweating...Little Drops

The body never lies.  It's your spiritual tuning fork.  So it's your responsibility not to merely cover up it's signals with expensive lotions and Pepto-Bismol but to sit down and really listen to what is underneath those symptions.   (Sara Beak)

It was the cardio dvd today with Shawn; I managed to complete the workout.  Okay....not quite like they were doing it, maybe a little differently.  I would be the person on the floor who represents the "special" people.  You know..the person who is doing it differently for all of the people who can't do it like the rest of the group.  They would put me in a corner of the gym...maybe behind the basketball goal.

I was watching Dr. Oz (just a little bit..he tends to creep me out) and he had the author of the four hour body on.  If I can bring up the link; they had some interesting things you could do to help lose weight.


Breakfast:  I call this my breakfast tortilla, last time I will list the ingredients.
                   1 low fat tortilla
                   shredded cheese
                   1/2 smashed avacodo
                   diced canadian bacon
                   spinach leaves                                                494 Calories

Lunch:      2 slices of cheese pizza with veggies              281 Calories

Dinner:     beef stew & a biscuit                                     281 Calories

Snack:     1/4 cup dry roasted peanuts                             214 Calories

Total Calories:  1,269

I use the Spark People for calorie count; so some of it is accurate; some not.  Just knowing today that I was posting what I ate, actually changed a few things for me.  

So what is your favorite breakfast food?

1 comment:

  1. If I'm taking the easy way out (which I seem to do the majority of the time...), than it would be Luna Bar's and coffee. I was on an oatmeal kick for awhile, where I had oatmeal, yogurt, walnuts, cinnamon/brown sugar, and some sort of fruit- usually banana's, but not always.
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