Monday, July 11, 2011

Insanity or Just a Little Paranoid

Eat your food with gladness, and drink....with a joyful heart.  Ecclesiastes 9:7

My game plan on the exercise front is to complete one week of different programs I own.  I have several; and have given several away.  The Firm being one of them; I think I owned every Firm tape (sorry I'm of the VHS era) available to mankind.  Thirty days and you will have the body you have always wanted!  Well....I never could stick with it for thirty consecutive days; and I got tired of dragging all of the equipment out.

So I thought I would try this.  This week I picked the Insanity dvds with Shawn T---why?  Well why not?  I gave it what I could this morning and then walked two miles at our track.  I have felt good all day today and can always tell when I exercise because my eating is different.  I can hear some of you asking, "What if you can't finish a week?"  So what....this is my program, it's free, I designed it and I'm only looking at one day at a time.  I've burned the beat myself up stick.

FOOD JOURNAL           

Breakfast:  fat free tortilla
                   1/4 cup shredded cheese (regular--I don't like reduced)
                   diced Canadian bacon
                   missing my 1/2 smashed avocado they are not ripe yet

Snacks:      Fage cherry Greek yogurt
                  popcorn--which I keep on hand

Lunch:       1 salmon patty, cold
                   2 wings from Sunday Lunch
                   2 homemade choc. chip cookies

Dinner:       Pork Roast, serving mash potatoes, gravy, sour-kraut, peas, cornbread stick
There is a really good thing about me......I rarely eat after supper and I like to eat supper no later than six.  "Where are the portion sizes?" you ask.  I didn't put them there; I'm not into that right now.  I am conscious of it but don't go crazy.

I highly recommend this book:  "Press Pause Before You Eat" by Dr. Linda Mintle.  I am on my second round with reading it.  Changing your mindset towards food and eating.  I do have two eating goals that I want to be aware of:

1.  Eat when I'm hungry...not just to eat.
2.  Be aware of what I'm eating and enjoy it! 


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