Thursday, July 21, 2011


And out of the ground the Lord God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food.  The tree of life was also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  Genesis 2:9

Amazing how the tree of food is connected with good and evil!  What a week.....I was quitting this blog....I was not quitting this blog....I was giving up on my health.....I was not giving up on my health....needless to say I think "hormones" were at work.....big time.

They have receded back into where ever they I have a few good weeks to get my battle plan in place.  I've done the following this week:

1.  Called and had a phone conference with a registered health consultant.  I have an order in for progesterone cream that is guaranteed to get rid of "hormonal headaches--that last for a week".  Apparently my body has stopped making progesterone and I'm getting an influx of estrogen.

2.  I quit using my over the counter liquid make-up--which contains estrogen.  I am using Bare Minerals and I think it's doing well.  My face has been irritated for years now; and just in two days it's feeling better. 

3.  I made an appointment for the chimney sweep man and air conditioning man to come this Monday for their annual stuff.  That is for my mental health...I hate having people come over and I've been putting this off.

I have to move fast because my sanity time is really limited anymore. I'm back on my exercise and doing Hip Hop Abs......which I really like.  It's only thirty minutes, fun, and I think Shawn T is cute!

This was a good blog I found today and she was talking about "mindful eating".  I'm trying to do this strategy but I really forget that I'm doing it until the meal is officially over.

Yesterday's Meals

Breakfast:  banana bread & juice
                   Fage yogurt

Lunch:        left-over Carrabbas which was wonderful

Supper:      Breakfast  tortilla

Snack:       cookies & popcorn

I went out to eat Tuesday evening at Carrabbas.  I never feel guilty when I order because I really don't go out to eat that much.  Now I do eat half and take the other half home if I can.  Portions are really too big.

Don't be shy---leave me your answer!
Where is your favorite place to eat and why? 

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, thanks for stopping by my blog and thanks for the mention in yours. I've read your posts and want to encourage you in your journey. The blogging community is such a support to me and I know they will be to you as well. Sharon
